About Us
Welcome to Modefa, ‘Where Modesty Meets Fashion.'
We are a family-owned small business with big dreams. Our goal is to bring quality, affordable Islamic products to Muslims in the United States and around the world. When we founded our online shop in 2011, our primary focus was Turkish hijabs. Since then, we have grown to also offer Prayer Rugs, Prayer Dresses and Feraces, Hijab Accessories, Islamic jewelry, and Islamic Home Décor. We are proud to be the top prayer rug brand online in the USA, and one of the best sources in the USA for Turkish hijabs and Islamic decor.
Turkey has long been known as a crossroads of civilizations. In our modern times, it is where ‘East meets West’ – literally and figuratively. Turkey embodies the Islamic attempt to meet modern times. The Islamic clothing coming out of Turkey is not only fashionable, but it is also modern and of high quality.
Turkey has long been a leader in a variety of Islamic products, especially prayer rugs. The best prayer rugs from around the world are made in Turkey. Many people who travel to Mecca for Hajj or Umrah return with souvenirs (rugs, gifts, etc) that were actually made in Turkey. Turkish products are generally of better quality than those made in Asian countries (and made without the use of sweatshops), yet are still affordable for customers worldwide.
Ilyas and Tara Cetinkaya are the founders and co-owners of Modefa. Ilyas is a Turkish-American who is happy to be able to share products from his native country; Tara is an American Muslim revert who admires the culture and Islamic heritage of Turkey.
Tara, Ilyas, and their two children in front of the Modefa showroom in Richardson, Texas (March 2019)
The idea for Modefa came after Tara converted to Islam. As she began dressing more modestly, and eventually wearing the hijab, she realized how difficult it was to find modest clothing in the United States—let alone modest clothing that was also stylish (or even decent!). Attempts to find quality clothing, hijabs and accessories online were fraught with disappointment -- not just in the lack of variety, but also poor quality and lack of professionalism among online Islamic companies. Tara and Ilyas realized that there was a void in the market that needed to be filled. With their passion, experience and connections to Turkey, they decided that Turkish products were the perfect thing to fill that void. With the end goal of eventually carrying a full line of hijabs and modest clothing, Tara came up with the name "Modefa" as a combination of the words "Modesty" and "Fashion," hence the tagline "Where Modesty Meets Fashion" ™
Quiting her career in social work in 2011, Tara decided to focus her efforts on building Modefa, starting as a home-based business. From there Modefa has grown every year, increasing in size and variety of products offered. In December 2016 Modefa moved into its first official office/ warehouse, which was quickly outgrown. In June 2019, Modefa moved to a larger location in Richardson Texas, which now houses a warehouse, office space, and a large and elegant showroom open to the public.
At Modefa, we feel strongly about giving back to those in need; after all, this focus on the less fortunate is an integral part of our practice of Islam! We particularly love to focus on important causes, programs, and agencies within the Muslim community that need our support. We also love to give back to and support our local Muslim community within North Texas!
Here are just a few of the programs and agencies Modefa has supported in recent years:
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
DFW Refugee Outreach Services
Penny Appeal USA - Palestine Emergency Response
Texas Muslim Women's Foundation
Embrace ICNA (program for converts)
Brighter Horizons Academy - Garland TX
Qalam Collegiate Academy - Richardson, TX
MAS Dallas (Muslim American Society)
EPIC (East Plano Islamic Center)
Mercy without Limits
ICNA Relief
Helping Hands
Islamic Relief USA
We warehouse our products and ship from Richardson, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Our central location in the United States means we can ship products quickly to many states; once shipped, products can often arrive in 2-3 business days. Please see our Shipping Information page for more detailed information regarding shipping.
Normal business hours:
Mon - Fri -- 10am to 7pm
Sat & Sun -- 11am to 7pm
The above hours may change due to holidays or unexpected events. We recommend you check our Google listing for the most update to date info on local store hours. Click here to check our Google listing
Please call us at 214-934-6639 or email info@mymodefa.com if you have questions
Modefa in the Media:
Modefa® is a registered trademark of Modefa USA LLC
Where Modesty Meets Fashion® is the official tagline and registered trademark first used in association with Modefa®
All rights reserved.